Flute Specialists Blog

  • Low Flutes on the Rise! by Chris Potter

    Low Flutes on the Rise!By Chris PotterAlto, bass and contrabass flutes pose unique challenges in the areas of breath control, tonal response, intonation, transportation issues, sheer physical size and, locating appropriate quality repertoire. Resources are developing to help the growing number of low flutes players find solutions to these and other problems.Here are examples of…
  • Flute Choir: Beyond the Basics by Gail Green

    Flute Choir: Beyond the Basicsby Gail GreenYou might be thinking, how do I start a flute choir or how to transition being the new director of an established flute choir.  It starts with 3 basic guidelines:  PlanCommunicateResponsiveness Plan – Organized planning before the first rehearsal will help with team building and trust.Listen to other flute choirs and…
  • Alto Flute: Choosing a Curved or Straight Headjoint by Dr. Christine Potter

    Alto Flute: choosing a curved or straight headjointBy Dr. Christine PotterPeople who are interested in purchasing an alto flute must make a decision whether to get a curved or a straight head joint. There are advantages and disadvantages to both and people should try each design before deciding. Most entry-level altos can be purchased with…
  • New Caliendo Flute Ensemble Piece by Julie Stone

    New Caliendo Flute Ensemble Piece Premiering at the 2014 NFA Conventionby Julie Stone, Professor of Flute, Eastern Michigan University“How about a new premiere?! Let's really celebrate!” These were the words in an email from Christopher Caliendo responding to my inquiry about a piece for the Eastern Michigan University Emerald Flutes to perform at the NFA…
  • Purchasing a Piccolo by Nan Raphael

    April 2014Purchasing a Piccoloby Nan Raphaelsolopikolo@aol.comWhile the repertoire for piccolo has increased exponentially in the last few decades so have options for those who are ready to purchase a new instrument. There are many more choices in all price ranges for buyers than there were even 15 years ago. In addition, many improvements have been…
  • Flute Choir Fun by Paula Buermele

    January 2014Flute Choir Fun by Paula BuermeleWe are all familiar with musical ensembles ranging in size from the duet to the symphony orchestra. We listen to many combinations of instruments and vocalists creating beautiful sounds that please our ears, lift our spirits, and stir our emotions.The flute choir is an often hidden treasure in the musical…