Flute Choir

A photo of one of our Flute Choir practices outside.
A Flute Choir performance at the Clawson Farmer's Market

Rehearsal Details:

Upcoming rehearsals:
February 28 – 10:00 – 11:00 Intermediate Choir
March 15 10:00 – 11:30 Advanced Choir
March 22 10:00 – 11:30 Combined Choirs
April 12 10:00 – 11:30 Combined Choirs

Email info@flutespecialists.com for more information and to be added to the flute choir members email list.

Two levels of choirs: Intermediate and Advanced
Free, no audition is necessary, and there’s no obligation!


What is a Flute Choir?

A flute choir is a group of flutists playing together much like a vocal choir, except they all play flutes! A flute choir also uses piccolos as well as alto and bass flutes, lower pitched instruments which are less common. If you have your own piccolo or large flute, you are encouraged to bring it, as well as a folding music stand, your flute, and a pencil. Alto and bass flutes are available for use in rehearsals courtesy of Flute Specialists, Inc.

Flute choir is a very different experience from playing in a band. Since many of the pieces have as many as ten different parts, you may be the only person playing your particular part. This helps develop strong reading skills and independent musicianship.

Flute choir music also uses lower notes than most band music, often going down to low C or even B. It may also have more sharps than band music. Because flute choir is a smaller group than full bands, it is a good way to work on intonation and ensemble playing since it is easier to hear yourself and how your part fits into the group.

Flute Choirs at Flute Specialists

At Flute Specialists, Inc., we have two different groups at varying difficulty levels, rehearsing on alternating Saturdays. If you are not sure which ensemble is right for you, come to a rehearsal and try it out! Most people can decide for themselves whether they are more comfortable playing in the intermediate or advanced group, but if you would like a personalized recommendation, our flute choir director Kasey Martin is happy to help. Alto and bass flutes are available for your use, and music is provided. Both groups are FREE, and you may join at any time. There are no auditions or minimum attendance requirements. These are non-competitive groups that simply enjoy making music together.

Intermediate Choir

Intermediate flute choir is a good starting point for younger or less experienced players or those who have no previous experience in a flute choir — recommended for all players with three years or less of playing experience. Our intermediate flute choir is also recommended for more experienced players who are uncomfortable playing in key signatures with sharps, or who have difficulty with counting. This ensemble plays easier music than the advanced choir, as well as works on learning scales and counting and independent play. More advanced players are encouraged to attend as well if they wish.

Advanced Choir

Advanced flute choir is recommended for players who have been playing for at least three years. Most members of the Advanced Choir are high school or adult players. Players should be comfortable playing in keys with up to four flats or sharps, 6/8 time, sixteenth note rhythms, dotted rhythms, and notes from low C (below the staff) up to at least high G. Advanced Choir performs regularly throughout the community. If you are interested in having the Advanced Choir perform for your group or event, please contact the flute choir director, Kasey Martin, at: kassiamartin@yahoo.com

Combined Choirs

Occasionally the intermediate and advanced choirs come together to form the combined flute choir. If you are interested in having the Combined Choir perform for your group or event, please contact the flute choir director, Kasey Martin, at: kassiamartin@yahoo.com