This book contains a selection of original dances and tunes, which I hope will appeal to dancers, callers and musicians alike.
I claim a hand in all of the dances. Most of them are the result of my own imagination. The rest were devised during workshops I have run at various festivals and events over the last few years, and are the result of the collective imagination of all attending those workshops.
Many of the dances were created between 1987 and 1990, when I was employed as Folk Artist in Residence in Gateshead, a post funded jointly by Gateshead Libraries and Arts and by Northern Arts. As far as I am aware, this was the first such post in the country. Several of the dances bear names related to Gateshead, and The Caedmon Capers was devised especially for the monthly ceilidhs which are held on the first Tuesday of every month in The Caedmon Hall, in the town’s Central Library.
I am very grateful to my friend Robin Dunn for his efforts with the music in this book. Many of the tunes are of his own composition. Each dance has been given a tune, though, as with most country dances, musicians should feel free to play whatever tune fits the dance.
I have been meaning to publish this book for years, and am indebted to Portcullis Press and Gateshead Libraries and Arts for making it possible. My thanks also to all those who contributed to the book by attending workshops and to all the musicians who played for them. My special thanks to my friend Christine Bissell for drawing the music so beautifully, and for a lot more besides.
I apologise for any unintentional plagiarism that may occur in any of the dances or tunes.
I trust that the instructions make sense, and hope that both dances and music will bring a great deal of pleasure.
-Eddie Upton